Friday, April 23, 2010

We use oil in almost EVERYTHING!....(I did not know that)

Can you believe it.....there is oil in almost every product we buy. That is amazing! Here I am, thinking oil is only used as fuel in the form of gasoline to keep our motor vehicle's running, but in fact oil is used even in our at-home products. Some examples of products in which you can find oil are clothes, office supplies, health and beauty products, kitchen utencils, and even in our children's (acrylic) toys.

Source: igd

If you are interested in seeing the whole list of (the majority of) products made out of oil, you can check out this link


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. as you explain in your blog, I was was ignorant myself about the oil useage. Now that I know all of this, I am in shock and I am also getting scared because what if everything we have is gone in a second. Life as we know it is no longer going to be. I feel lost, don't you? Well, thanks to you and the research I have done so far, I am more informed about what we facing and liking it or not, it is a serious thing :/.
    As in your grammar and technical parts everything seems ok and there aren't many errors.
