Sunday, May 9, 2010

The oil crisis is bringing us downhill, slowly but greatly!

My gosh! This whole situation has gotten out of control; businesses all over the city are shutting down, unemployment rates are rising and soon our transportation could be cut down. I am beginning to worry that this could be the end of our oil days. Just the other day I was walking down the street, when I looked to my left I saw a CLOSED sign in the front window of a store. I thought to myself, what has this situation brought upon us? And now that's all people around town are talking about--businesses are losing money and are being forced to close. My neighbor is also talking about possibly losing his job because the company he works in is losing profits in shipments they make across town. If all this goes downhill we could possibly face another recession.

One thing I am doing to help out reduce the usage of oil is replacing my drive to the supermarket, or any other place less than 2 miles away from home, with bicycling. I think it be best if everyone started doing this, replace their short distance drives with a ride on their bike--whether it be going around the block or riding to the mall. By using our cars less we can save all the oil wasted in unnecessary drives to use in something else, like cleansing products. After all, we all want to be clean, right?! My other plan is to buy solar panels to put on top of my roof, which means I'll have solar energy.


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